Games to Make Early Mommyhood Fun for Mother and Child

When you’re a new mother, you may be spending a significant part of your day alone with your newborn. This time forces you to get creative to keep the little one happy and yourself stress-free. It can be easy to slip into a monotonous routine that makes the days seem to drag on, which is why we’ve put together this list of fun activities for new moms and their babies in the early days.

  1. Go Exploring — Take your baby on a treasure hunt around the house. Show them different (safe) objects and let your child touch them as you can explain what it is.
  2. Gotcha — Your baby knows your voice and affection is soothing. Lower down over them slowly, saying, “I’m going to get you!” and plant kisses and tickles all over.
  3. Peekaboo — An oldie but a goodie. Hiding behind your hands or an object and surprising them can keep them entertained and may also lead to their first adorable giggles.
  4. Let’s Go Flying — Once your baby can support its head, hold them in your arms on their stomach and go “flying” around the room.
  5. Music Time — Use ordinary objects like spoons and bowls to put on a concert for your baby. As they get older, they can join in.
  6. Get Up and Dance — Hold your baby or put them in a carrier or sling and get moving. The movement will be soothing and you’ll sneak in some exercise, too.
  7. Copy Me — Repetition will help your baby learn. Helping them move to mimic your actions will keep them engaged. Ask them, “How much do I love you?” and stretch their arms out to their sides and say “This much!” You can also copy their movements and sounds to help them learn to interact.
  8. Texture Test — Use different pieces of clothing in different textures to gain their interest. Gently rub their cheek or belly and them let them hold the pieces to study it themselves.
  9. Anatomy 101 — Help your baby begin to identify different body parts. You can start by kissing their little feet and singing “I’ve got your toes!” and eventually you’ll be able to ask them “Where are your toes?”
  10. Make It Rhyme — Since your child is comforted by the sound of your voice, tell them stories using as many rhyming words as you can to build up vocabulary. Try to use more of a sing-song voice.
  11. Puppet Show — They can be sock puppets or just painted hands, but puppets are a fun way to play with a young baby who is confined to a swing or laying on the floor.
  12. Patty Cake — Increase your child’s coordination while also singing to them by playing some basic hand-clap games.

Those early days can be overwhelming, but also a lot of fun. Babies who are cuddled, sung to, held and played with grow up feeling loved and supported and are better able to interact with others.

Playing with your baby is also crucial to their mental, emotional, physical and social development. From day one you impact how they perceive and interact with the world around them and this provides a wonderful opportunity to bond. Try these game suggestions to connect with your baby and give them the right start for a bright future.