How to help your children (and you!) sleep well at night

A couple of months  ago we posted our article on Safe Sleep for Babies, but sleep is equally as important for your older children and for you. Why is sleep important? Good sleep is essential for good health. It is as important as nutrition and exercise for everyone, both children and adults. We know what it’s like when our children (or us!) haven’t had a good night’s sleep – it can affect their mood, behaviour […]

The Importance of Setting a Bedtime for Your Baby

Babies are nothing if not unpredictable. Yes, you’ll learn your child’s likes, dislikes and patterns over time, but sometimes it can seem like what makes them happy one day makes them unhappy the next. While it can’t always be helped, one thing can make all the difference: consistency. One way to help keep your sanity intact and set yourself up for success is to establish a set bedtime for your baby. What are some of […]