Top tips for protecting your baby in the sun

We love sunshine! Topping up on your Vitamin D levels is important for health but it is also important to keep your little ones safe. There are far safer ways for you and your baby to get your daily dose of Vitamin D. Remember that if your baby is less than six months old, their skin is thin and delicate. It doesn’t yet contain much melanin – this is the pigment that gives hair, eyes […]

Choosing the Right Sunscreen for Your Baby

Proper sun protection is crucial at any age, but when it comes to your new baby, it’s a step you must not skip to keep them safe. Their skin is incredibly sensitive, and while it may take an hour or so for you to get a little pink in the sun, it can take no time at all for your baby to start developing a sunburn. This is because their skin doesn’t contain as much […]