The Best Ways to Get Your Rest When Pregnant

Fatigue is just one of the aspects of pregnancy that can start to slow you down. Throughout your pregnancy, you may feel incredible bursts of energy that spark your creativity and allow you to really rest, but then your energy may swing in entirely the opposite direction, stopping you from getting much done. It’s good to know both are normal and to be expected — the important thing is to listen to your body and know when you’ve had enough action for a while and it’s time to rest.

Getting that much-needed rest isn’t always as simple as you might think. There are safety concerns to keep in mind for you and the baby which can make sleeping a tricky business. Not to fear, we have some tips and strategies to help you get some ZZZZZ’s so you can stay as active as possible.

Sleeping Positions
Going to bed at an earlier time than usual is the first step to a better night’s sleep. Since you may be getting up often to use the restroom, allowing yourself a head start is a good idea. Once you’re in bed, sleeping on your back or side are the safest options as you progress in your pregnancy. Your left side is said to be the preferred one for sleeping later in your pregnancy, to allow more blood and nutrients to the baby.

Natural Remedies
When you’re pregnant, taking over-the-counter or prescription sleep aids isn’t safe for the baby, but there are some things you can try. Aromatherapy can help you relax with soothing scents like lavender. You can also try taking a warm bath before bed with some essential oils added to the water or use an infuser to fill your room with the scent of lavender. Herbal tea like peppermint can be used to calm digestive upset or chamomile tea may help you fall asleep — just be sure to avoid any with caffeine. Finally, enjoying some warm milk before bed can also promote sleep.

A pillow will be your best friend for sleeping while pregnant and there are many different options now to provide support while you’re resting. Look for one shaped like an “S” that can curve to fit your body while lying on your side. Sleep in light, breathable clothing and keep your room at a cool but comfortable temperature.

Keep your diet as healthy as possible, balanced with whole foods low in bad fats and high in protein and antioxidants. Stay hydrated throughout the day as well — a glass of cold water can really provide an energy boost.

Sticking to your exercise routine (in a safe way) during pregnancy can also help keep fatigue at bay throughout the day, leading to more restful sleep at night. You can also try some prenatal yoga in the evening to help calm stress.

Making sure to get enough rest is vital to a healthy pregnancy and delivery. If you find your fatigue is becoming too severe, be sure to speak with your physician. Always communicate your needs with your partner to make sure you get the sleep your body craves and you’ll feel exponentially better.