Achieving Ideal Weight Gain for Your Baby

While every baby is different, it’s important for them to gain weight at a somewhat steady pace once they’re born to ensure proper growth and development. But how much should they gain in a certain amount of time? How much is too much? According to the Mayo Clinic, an infant’s weight should be double their birth weight by the age of five months, which would mean gaining between five and seven ounces a week. By […]

What You Should Know About Gaining Pregnancy Weight

Gaining weight is a normal and, more importantly, essential part of a healthy pregnancy. Your body will go through many changes during this time, but weight gain is the change many women find themselves focusing on. How much should you gain? How can you safely manage your weight? The first thing to consider is your weight before you became pregnant. The lower your weight to begin with, the more weight you should expect to gain […]