Building Your Baby’s Vocabulary

When your baby is first born, you live for every new giggle and noise they make. Once those babbles begin to sound like words and phrases, you start spending more time wondering what their voice will sound like and what type of personality they will develop. From the beginning, you can help your child develop their vocabulary through various techniques, games and exercises that will assist them in identifying certain sounds and letters and eventually […]

How to Choose a Childcare Provider

Once your maternity leave ends and you’re heading back to work, you’ll need to arrange for care for your baby during the day. This can be one of the most stressful decisions a new mother can make because of how much trust is involved. These are the six steps we recommend following to help you find a caregiver who fits your parenting style and your child’s needs to the letter. Do your research. Nowadays, there […]

The Best Brain-Boosting Foods for Baby

Once your baby starts consuming more solid foods, it can be overwhelming trying to plan the menu for someone who can’t even speak. Babies need the right blend of nutrients daily to help them grow and develop properly, which is why planning is important. One of the most crucial things to consider is their brain development, so they can begin recognizing shapes, colors and objects, processing what they hear around them and then one day, […]

Providing Encouragement for Your Kids

From the time your baby is born, you’ll spend a significant amount of time documenting their “firsts.” The first time they sit up by themselves, the first time they say “Mom” and the first time they point out the color purple or use the toilet by themselves. These little milestones are incredibly special to share with your partner and your child, creating those irreplaceable memories you’ll both look back on one day. It’s important to […]

Looking Out for Your Child’s Oral Health

Once you see that first tiny tooth in your baby’s mouth, it’s a sign of big changes to come. Soon they’ll be moving onto new types of foods and toys, continuing to change before your eyes. But did you know you need to implement an oral care regimen for your child’s health before that first baby tooth appears? It may sound like just one more thing to add to the list, but don’t let it […]

Choosing the Right Sunscreen for Your Baby

Proper sun protection is crucial at any age, but when it comes to your new baby, it’s a step you must not skip to keep them safe. Their skin is incredibly sensitive, and while it may take an hour or so for you to get a little pink in the sun, it can take no time at all for your baby to start developing a sunburn. This is because their skin doesn’t contain as much […]

Bottle Basics for When Baby Arrives

Once your baby arrives, you’re at the mercy of their little tummies. Babies feed often and you need to be prepared to give them what they need at any hour of the day or night. Whether you’re breastfeeding or using formula, bottles are something every new parent needs. But, like everything, it’s not as simple as grabbing a glass from the cupboard like you would when you need a drink. Don’t worry, we’ve got you […]

Protecting Your Baby from Common Summer Health Hazards

For a new mom, summer is a great time of year. Once the weather warms up, there are so many more options for activities to get you and your little one out of the house. While a little sunshine is needed at all ages to help the body produce vitamin D, taking your baby outside in the summer months requires some extra steps to make sure their first outdoor adventures are safe. The first thing […]

The Importance of Setting a Bedtime for Your Baby

Babies are nothing if not unpredictable. Yes, you’ll learn your child’s likes, dislikes and patterns over time, but sometimes it can seem like what makes them happy one day makes them unhappy the next. While it can’t always be helped, one thing can make all the difference: consistency. One way to help keep your sanity intact and set yourself up for success is to establish a set bedtime for your baby. What are some of […]

Preparing Your First Born to Become a Sibling

Bringing a new baby into the family is a big adjustment. It can be challenging not only for mom and dad, who now need to learn to juggle more than one child, but also for the first born, who must adjust from being an only child to an older sibling. We have some tips to help you navigate this transition, so your little one is ready to embrace their new little brother or sister when […]

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