Love, Love, Love – The Love of a Mother for her Child

Our post today is in celebration of Valentine’s Day.  It was originally published a year ago, but the content is still fresh in my memory and my feelings are as intense about the people involved as they were back then. However, this post is not the usual stuff of Valentine’s Day – the celebration of or the hope of romantic love or all that sweet sugary marketing hype that we have all become used to. […]

Love Bombing? Have you heard of it?

There are so many approaches to parenting. We love hearing about different ideas and try to raise our children in as natural a way as possible. So when we came across love bombing, we just had to find out more. We like the idea of love bombing as it sounds a bit different from conventional parenting advice and doesn’t need to be expensive or difficult to do. Love bombing, as a parenting technique, was developed […]