Working Whilst Pregnant – 5 Tips To Keep You Healthy

Provided you are generally healthy there is usually no reason not to continue working throughout your pregnancy. You may want to put in place some changes to your normal routine. If you have a long commute, working from home can be an option on occasions. Or you may wish to avoid peak travel times, so you’re not travelling when it’s really busy. In the UK you are entitled to ask your employer to make reasonable […]

7 Simple Steps to Increase Your Milk Supply

So you thought that breastfeeding would come naturally right?  For some women it does, and milk supply is never a problem. For others, and I’m amongst those, breastfeeding was always tricky, mainly because my milk supply was so low. We tend to get offered practical support on how to breastfeed – positioning  the baby etc, but until recently the issue of low supply of milk was not sufficiently addressed. Breastfeeding can be and should be […]

How To Manage Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety can be very stressful for your child. It can also be very stressful and frustrating for you as parent. Bear in mind that it is a totally normal stage of your child’s emotional development. It’s very common and forms part of many people’s parenting journey. Separation anxiety and fear of strangers often happens between about six months and three years old. Remember that your child will grow out of this. What is separation […]

The Best Brain-Boosting Baby Food

Once your baby starts weaning and consuming more solids, it can be overwhelming trying to plan the menu for someone who can’t yet speak. Babies need the right blend of nutrients daily to help them grow and develop properly, which is why planning is important. One of the most crucial things to consider is their brain development, so they can begin recognizing shapes, colours and objects, processing what they hear around them and then one […]

How To Manage Nausea And Vomiting (Aka Morning Sickness) In Pregnancy

The majority of pregnant women experience morning sickness – nausea and vomiting. It usually affects women in the early stages of pregnancy during the first trimester from around 6 weeks (and up to 12 weeks). It’s officially known as NVP (nausea and vomiting in pregnancy), although you will more often hear it called morning sickness. This is a bit of a misnomer as it can actually happen at any time of day. No-one really understands […]

Pushy Parents and Competitive Mums. Are YOU One Of These?

There is a fine line between being a supportive parent and a pushy parent. Are you guilty of crossing this line? Most of us probably are at some point during our parenting journey. Here at Easy Mom and Baby, we’re feeling a bit uncomfortable as we can recognize ourselves in much of what follows. If you find you want your child to do something more than they want to, then you might just be being […]

6 Ideas For Healthy Kids’ Party Food (That They Will Love)

Planning food for a kid’s party doesn’t mean you have to go shopping for tons of cocktail sausages, crisps and sugary junk. We prefer real, natural food, especially for our kids. So we thought we’d share some of our favourite ways to make healthy party snacks. They’re easy to make too! Fruit Kebabs – just slice some fruit and slide it onto a wooden BBQ skewer. We like the rainbow colours of strawberries, blueberries, chunks […]

Which Essential Oils Can You Use In Pregnancy And Childbirth?

Essential oils are highly concentrated plant extracts which can be helpful to aid relaxation and reduce anxiety during both pregnancy and childbirth, provided you are generally healthy. If you’re interested in using essential oils, it’s sensible to check with your midwife first, particularly if you have diabetes or high (or low) blood pressure or any other medical conditions. Or you could consult a qualified aromatherapist. If you experience bleeding during your pregnancy then using essential […]

Wrapped in Swaddling Clothes – Bamboo Style

The background to swaddling your baby When you have a newborn baby, you are likely to be bombarded with advice. Do this, don’t do this! Do that, don’t do that! There are definitely trends in baby care – what your mother did with you, may not be what you choose to do with your baby. One technique which seems to have stood the test of time is that of swaddling your baby. Yes, there was […]

7 Top Toys for Playing Outside

We hear a lot about how important it is for children to get into the fresh air and play outside. But does that really mean you need to fill your garden up with loads of plastic products? We prefer a more natural and simple approach to playing, and one that will inspire your children to use their imaginations (and be less painful on your finances!). Here are our top toys for playing outside. A scooter, […]

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