How to help your children (and you!) sleep well at night

A couple of months  ago we posted our article on Safe Sleep for Babies, but sleep is equally as important for your older children and for you. Why is sleep important? Good sleep is essential for good health. It is as important as nutrition and exercise for everyone, both children and adults. We know what it’s like when our children (or us!) haven’t had a good night’s sleep – it can affect their mood, behaviour […]

Can You Lower Your Risk Of Pre-Eclampsia?

What is pre-eclampsia? Pre-eclampsia (also written as preeclampsia) is a condition affecting some pregnant women, usually during the second half of pregnancy (after 20 weeks). In the UK up to 6% of pregnancies are affected with mild pre-eclampsia, with 1-2% of cases severe. Figures indicate that 5-8% of pregnancies in the US are affected by pre-eclampsia. What are the symptoms of pre-eclampsia? The signs of mild pre-eclampsia are high blood pressure (hypertension) and protein in […]

How to cope with pregnancy hormones

  When you are pregnant your body will change more than ever before. Your altered hormone levels can affect your mood and emotions as well as physically affecting your body. Remember that it is the job of your hormones to help regulate the many changes taking place which will enable your baby to grow and you to go through labour and give birth. Some of the most significant hormones in pregnancy are oestrogen, progesterone, oxytocin, […]

Taking Supplements During Pregnancy

Good nutrition is vital to promote both a healthy pregnancy and baby. It is important to be vigilant about getting enough nutrients to nourish your body and support your baby’s development as best you can. Remember that your nutritional requirements are different during pregnancy as your body is working extra hard; if your body is deficient in a vitamin or mineral, this can have consequences for the health of your baby. You can get most […]

What to do if your baby gets a cold?

It can be worrying as a parent the first time your little baby gets a cold, particularly as they can’t tell you how they’re feeling, nor can they understand what is going on. If your baby comes into contact with other people regularly they will be exposed to a multitude of germs and viruses. Babies and young children tend to get colds quite often and it can seem as if they catch everything that’s going […]

New Year New You?

Happy New Year! The beginning of each year seems to bring a fresh deluge of articles on New Year’s Resolutions – a million mixed messages about how to change your life, what you could be doing, what you should be doing, how to be a better person and be fitter, healthier, richer…so much noise! There is little point (and definitely no psychological gain) from making resolutions just for the sake of making them. We’ve decided […]

7 Ways to Make Breastfeeding More Comfortable

Breastfeeding is a beautiful bonding moment between mother and child, but let’s be honest, it’s not always comfortable. Feedings throughout the day can really take a toll on your body and not just your breasts. Thankfully, there are some tried and true ways to help you make breastfeeding as comfortable as it can be, so you can enjoy it for the experience it is.   Change up your position. Try holding your baby in different […]

How to Treat Baby Eczema

The incredibly sensitive nature of your newborn’s skin makes them far more susceptible to skin irritations and common skin conditions. One such condition is eczema. And while it can make your baby uncomfortable, it can be managed at home to keep it under control. What Is Eczema? Eczema is a type of rash that usually develops in babies within the first six months of life. The most common type of eczema babies develop is known […]

Positive Discipline Practices

No parent enjoys being the disciplinarian. It’s one of the less fun aspects of being a parent, but it’s also a necessary evil. Proper discipline is key to helping your child develop good habits from an early age, habits that will help them better interact with their peers and settle well in school. Is there one way to discipline your child? Absolutely not! As any experienced parent will tell you, a lot of the job […]

Safe Sleep Guide

Sleep is so important for healthy babies (and tired parents!). They’ll spend a lot of their first year of life sleeping, which will strengthen their immune system and aid in their growth and development. Making sure your baby gets the sleep they need may mean drastic changes to your routine and obeying the cardinal rule: Never wake a sleeping baby. But how your baby sleeps is just as important as how much they sleep. What […]

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