25 Ways for New Mums to Unwind to Beat Stress

From crying fits to picky eaters, new mums have a lot to be anxious about. But if you don’t take some time for yourself, you could end up sick and out of commission from taking care of your little one. Then everyone suffers.  Stress can also have lots of negative effects on the body such as weakening the immune system and slowing down the metabolism.   That’s why we rounded up 25 of the best […]

The Impact of Parenthood on Marriage

Starting a family is exciting. However, no one is prepared for all the changes that come with adding children into the mix. Your relationship is going to be tested as you figure out what “normal” means now. It can seem impossible to invest attention and energy into your marriage. However, with just a bit of effort, the two of you can become even closer. What You Expect of Yourself The reality of not enough sleep […]

Hospital Bag Essentials for Your Delivery Date

As your delivery date nears, it’s always best to have a packed bag ready to go whenever the baby chooses to arrive. But what should you bring along? Here are some essentials to make both mommy and baby comfortable and allow for a little more peace of mind while you’re in the hospital.   Pajamas and Loungewear — Nobody likes a hospital gown, so bring your own garments for before and after delivery so you […]

The Importance of Vitamin D for Mother and Child

Nutrition is of the utmost importance throughout a woman’s pregnancy and while breastfeeding to ensure mother and child are getting all their essential nutrients. One such nutrient to pay attention to is Vitamin D, which plays a critical role in development and continued health. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble Vitamin, which means the body stores it for use later on.  The main source of Vitamin D is from daily unprotected exposure to the sun, but […]

Why Breast is Really Best

Having a baby is one of the most challenging and unique experiences a woman can go through. Yet, it is only the first step on the long road of parenting. While some mothers choose the bottle, many more still opt for breastfeeding. They do so for a number of reasons. Most of the rationale behind breastfeeding, however, focuses on the health benefits and the adage that breast is best. When you feed a baby breast […]

Safe Ways to Manage Pain During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, you’re likely to experience common aches and pains from time to time, but how you remedy them is very important. While your baby is in utero, you won’t have all the same options you normally would, which means coping with pain can be more tricky. That being said, you aren’t relegated to nine months without any sort of relief. With a little research and planning, you can safely manage pain throughout your pregnancy […]

The Importance of Folic Acid, DHA, and Vitamin D During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, getting the proper nutrients is of the utmost importance. Not only are you looking out for your own health and wellness, but also that of your child. Your nutrition during pregnancy plays a pivotal role in their growth and development both in utero and postpartum. When evaluating your diet and supplement regimen, it’s important to make sure three specific nutrients aren’t missed in your prenatal care: folic acid, DHA and vitamin D. Folic […]

Developing Your Own Parenting Strategy

Once you announce you’re pregnant, it seems like only mere moments before the advice starts coming in. Everyone from your parents to your friends starts to offer their tips and methods and all the opinions can start to take a toll on your sanity. This is why it’s of utmost importance you and your partner develop a parenting strategy that suits your needs and beliefs. Here are six easy steps to help you create your […]

How to Properly Clean Your Baby’s Things

Everything your baby comes into contact with needs to be handled with utmost care. Properly cleaning your baby’s items helps keep them safe for daily use for your baby’s continued health and development. Today, we’re covering the most common types of items your baby will come into contact with on a daily basis and how to make sure they’re germ-free for tiny hands and mouths. Bottles When you purchase new bottles, rings and nipples, take […]

Comforting Your Baby with Chamomile

When your baby isn’t feeling well, you want to find an effective remedy that works quickly. But more than that, you want something that will be safe. As your baby gets older, they’ll have more options, but in the beginning, homeopathic, alternative remedies may well be the best option. One of our favorite homeopathic solutions is chamomile, due to its versatility and safety. Chamomile Basics Chamomile is a plant that has been used for thousands […]

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